Saturday, 31 December 2016

TeknoGadyet Readers' Choice Awards 2016 Winners

TeknoGadyet Readers' Choice Awards 2016 Winners
TeknoGadyet Readers' Choice Awards 2016 Winners

Happy New Year!!! As we welcome the 2017, let us look back to 2016 and honor the best brand and devices that emerge as the winners in our recently concluded Reader's Choice Awards.

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Friday, 30 December 2016

Digital Walker Top Picks For 2017; Fitbit Charger 2, Sphero SPRK+ and More!

Digital Walker Top Picks For 2017
Digital Walker Top Picks For 2017

Digital Walker, the premiere consumer technology and lifestyle product retailer in the Philippines, has released their Top Picks for 2017, which includes cutting-edge gadgets for every walk of life.

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ePLDT Promotes Cloud Computing and Data Center Use To Public Sectors

ePLDT Promotes Cloud Computing and Data Center Use To Public Sectors
ePLDT Promotes Cloud Computing and Data Center Use To Public Sectors

To aid the government in the digital transformation of their core functions, ePLDT, Inc., the digital enterprise arm of PLDT, is promoting cloud computing and data center use to achieve customer success.

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70% of western europe's mobile subscriptions are from smartphones

Thursday, 29 December 2016

[mediafire] download liquidsmooth android 4.4.4 rom

Download LiquidSmooth v3.0 - Hammerhead ROM 4.4.2

LiquidSmooth is an aftermarket firmware based on AOSP and SlimROM.
Dedicated to providing users with smooth, stable and fast ROMs. A Lightweight modified AOSP and SlimROM base, and then add the features you crave! While we make every effort to test these builds as much as possible, we are not responsible for anything that may happen to your device. We ask that you do your part to know your device and know how to recover from problems before you flash!
Features below are from SlimROM
which are included in LiquidSmooth

  • SlimPIE
  • Quiet Hours
  • Slim Recents
  • Lock screen Style
  • Notification Reminder
  • Hardware key rebinding
  • Custom Carrier label
  • Smart Pulldown
  • ADB over network
  • Glowpad Torch
  • Advanced Reboot
  • Listview Animations
  • Liquid Dungeon
  • National Roaming
  • Custom Tiles
  • flip to Mute/Reject Call
  • Incoming call in background
  • Hide USB debugging notification
  • Stylus Support
  • Stylus Gestures
  • Notification Drawer Style
  • Lock screen pin shuffler
  • Quick Unlock
  • Status bar Brightness control
  • Volume rocker wake
  • Safe headset volume
  • Privacy Guard
  • Status bar clock style
  • Status bar date style
  • More features with credit below...
Change Log
  • Linaro 4.9 GCC Toolchain
  • O3 Strict-Aliasing & ISO C++11 Mode
  • ARM Optimized String Handling Routines
  • Linaro and Code Aurora Optimaztions
  • HALO Credit: PA/cristinamatos/xjcook/beerbong
  • New CM Theme Chooser/Engine
  • OmniRom App Circle Sidebar Credit: SquadZone
  • Allow Disabling of FC messages Credit: jmztaylor
  • PEEK Credit: PA
  • Allow notification vibration during calls Credit: maniac103
  • Gesture Unlock Credit: 0xD34D
  • Lock screen Notifications Credit: AOSPAL
  • Development Shortcut Credit: sarbyn
  • Switch Recent panel styles Credit: cristianomatos
  • Battery Bar Credit: cphelps76
  • Status bar notification count and signal style Credit: burnsra & rmcc (cm)
  • Status bar clock font style Credit: daxxmax
  • Network speed indicator Credit: htchoi1995
  • Time-context headers to the notification header Credit: Xplodwild
  • Ram Bar Credit: cristianomatos
  • Custom Clear recents button Credit: cristianomatos
  • Camera Button Support Credit: CM
  • On the Go mode Credit: Evisceration
  • Custom Lock screen wallpaper and blur Credit: david96
  • Audio Theme support Credit: Xplodwild
  • Battery around unlock ring Credit: Xplodwild
  • Gesture Anywhere Credit: 0xD34D
  • Active Display Credit: 0xD34D/AOSPAL
  • Alternate default app picker Based on @kufikugel 4.3 idea
  • Toast Animations Credit: XuiMod
  • Custom Progress Bar Credit: GwonHyeok
  • Custom Scrolling values Credit: Squadzone
  • Wake Lock Blocker Credit: Squadzone
  • Multi user support for phones Credit: AlmightMegadeth00
  • IME Animations Credit: Squadzone
  • Custom System Animations Credit: Steve Spear
  • Battery Saver Mode Credit: OmniRom/timpohladthomas
Source Code:
LiquidSmooth Github Liquid Kernel Source

[Mediafire] download rom android lenovo s560 asteroid v4.2

Setelah make Asteroid v 4.2 selama kurang lebih 1 pekan penuh, ane hanya ingin share pengalaman penggunaan rom ini, lebih tepatnya mereview performa dan kinerjanya, jujur ini hanya ane lakukan sebagai bentuk terimakasih ke mastah Adi Aishiteru, juga mastah dan Admin Macancul Huda, kenapa??? karena hanya ini yang bisa ane lakukan, ane ga bisa ngompile rom utuh, apalagi maen oprek sampai smali, jar dll. wis nyerah kalo liat scriptnya… hehe…
Oke, to the point aj ya…

Interface, point 3/4
Siapa yang ngga tau ROm CM alias Cyanogen Mod? Asteroid inilah yang menjadi Base dari CM di Lenster kesayangan kita, meski ngga semua, namun Rasa CM sudah hadir di lenster kita, coba cek ke menu Setting, kita akan menemui tab setting Asteroid, sudah termasuk juga Fitur Fenomenal Paranoid (meskipun TS belum pernah merasakan, Imho aja lah, hehe). Ane merasa di ROM ini, tampilan jadi lebih jernih, gambar sangat jelas meskipun kecerahan disetting di level terendah sekalipun.
Adanya fitur paranoid pada lenster memungkinkan user dapat mengkustomisasi berbagai tampilan yang tidak akan anda dapatkan pada ponsel sejenis pada umumnya. Kita bisa mengubah warna Jam, merubah letak posisi Jam, merubah icon baterai, menampilkan info am/pm jam, merubah warna pada notifiction panel, mengkustomisasi toggle button pada notif bar, dan yang mengesankan adalah tampilan Notification Panel, dan Togglenya sudah sama dengan Android Jelly Bean 4.1/4.2, meskipun pada dasarnya OS Android Lenster hanya selevel ICS.
Fitur Customisasi lain yang memukau adalah Lockscreen Customizing, anda dapat memilih mana Lockscreen yang anda rasa sreg dan sesuai di hati. Ada 12 jenis Lockscreen yang bisa anda nikmati di ROM ini yakni,
1). AOSP
3). SONY
7). ACER
8). GALAXY S.3
Performa, 4/4
Ane menganggap ROM Asteroid 4.2 ini sebagai penyempurna dari Hybrid City Love 2.5.1, karena secara performa hampir sama, namun yang saya rasakan di ASter 4.2 ini lebih smooth, no lagg, pergantian antar menu, antar aplikasi, transisi efek pada drawer dll begitu sangat mulus, apakah ini karena framework yang berbeda? bisa jadi karena modif di smali, jar dll sehingga pergerakan dan transisi maupun efeknya terasa sangat ringan.
Kestabilan, 4/4
Pertama kali instal rom ini terasa ada yang ngganjel, ketika dipake ngga lama ko tiba2 layar blank hitam, dan hal ini berulang dengan interval cukup sering, sejatinya apa yang menyebabkan Lenster Ngehang? kalo kita liat RAM Usagenya ane rasa masih wajar, free RAM di kisaran 40-60MB tidak akan menurunkan kinerja, karena memang managemen RAM android sejatinya memang sangat unik. Ternyata setelah ditelisik lebih jauh, ada fitur yang tidak compatible (umumnya) di lanster ini, TS pun pernah make mod via Xposed Engine, dan kasus yang sama terjadi ketika TS mengaktifkan CRT Effect.
Akhirnya keluar Fix untuk Bug di Aster 4.2 ini. Solved
Battery Usage, 3/4
Sepertinya sangat susah mengukur parameter Drain Battery, yang jelas, dengan penggunaan Internet yang aktif( baik HSDPA maupun Wifi), sekali cas (jam 4.00 hidup), ane bisa tembus sampai jam 10 malam sisa 10% kebawah.
Connection, 4/4
Koneksi yang TS rasakan di ROM ini stabil layaknya Base ROM yakni Hybrid Citylove 2.5.1, semi AOSP, fitur enable 3G pada kedua SIMnya memungkinkan User untuk mengganti provider tanpa merasakan turunnya kecepatan koneksi, karena fitur 3G dapat aktif di kedua SIMnya, berbeda dengan Stock ROM yang membatasi koneksi 3G hanya untuk SIM 1 saja. Tingkat penerimaan sinyal juga bagus, stabil, tidak menghilang secara tiba-tiba. Satu Kata, Wonderfull.
Music, 4/4
Pemutar Music yang digunakan di ROM ini sudah mengadopsi Rajanya pemutar Music, siapa yang tidak kenal Walkman? dipadu dengan Sound Enhancment besutan mastah Macancul Huda, genaplah sudah kesempurnaan dari ROM ini. Acid Mod, Dolby Digital Plus, Viper Audio, semua dipadukan untuk menciptakan komposisi Suara yang Cetarrr membahana, rasakan dentuman Bass yang empuk khas Walkman di Android anda. Visualisasi Walkman yang memanjakan mata anda juga tertampil dengan apik tanpa kendala dan hambatan. The Best Music Performance Phone…
Mungkin ini dulu, kalo kepanjangen ga enak…😀
Ane bingung mau review apalagi, OK biar gambar yang berbicara selanjutnya. Oke, TS menerima saran dan kritiknya ya pembaca yang budiman…
Thanks to,
Adi Aishiteru, Macancul Huda dan Seluruh Members Garasi Lenovo S560

[TESTED] ini Cara Backup dan Restore ROM Android Melalui CWM Recovery pada android

Yo Sobat blogger semua, wah udah lama engga posting lagi nih. Oke kali ini
Saya akan posting "Cara Backup ROM Android Melalui CWM Recovery". Ada yang tau Backup itu apa? Backup adalah suatu cara agar bisa menyelamatkan data dengan cara menyimpan data ke tempat lain. Sementara Restore adalah mengembalikan data yang di Backup tadi tempat asalnya/semula. Nah, jika itu adalah sebuah data tinggal di copy paste. Tapi bagaimana jika itu sebuah OS (System Operasi)? yang tentu kita ketahui tidak bisa di copy paste selain di instal ulang.

Biasanya ketika kita ingin melakukan Custom rom, Flashing, atau semacamnya yang membuat system hp berubah, maka pikiran yang muncul adalah bagaimana dengan data atau system sebelumnya ?!. Tentu kita harus menyiapkan persiapan untuk hal semacam itu. Nah membahas hal tersebut maka dari itu artikel kali ini membahas tentang Backup dan Restore hp berbasis System Android.
Berikut Tutorialnya Cara Backup & Restorenya :


    1. Pertama  siapkan CWM dan menginstallnya di Android anda. Untuk yang belum tau caranya    bisa Searching di Google.

      2. Pastikan baterai Android anda terisi penuh atau sekurang-kurangnya 50%

        3. Persiapkan SD Card, usahakan masih memiliki kapasitas yang memadai untuk melakukan backup. Ukuran ROM tidaklah sama, tapi ketika saya melakukan backup Stock ROM ukurannya 0,9GB (HP saya Samsung Galaxy Mini 2) Jadi usahakan SD Card anda bisa menyimpan ukuran File backup, jika sudah saya sarankan dipindahkan dulu ke PC/Laptop kalian, Kalo bagi yang SD Cardny memiliki kapasitas yang besar tidak usah di pindahkan ke PC/Laptop.

          4. Masuk ke CWM, Caranya berbeda-beda Setiap Ponsel. Ada yang bisa langsung masuk ke CWM karena bisa memakai CWM permanen, ada yang harus masuk ke recovery bawaan dulu kemudian flash CWM baru bisa masuk, karena CWM tidak bersifat permanen. Caranya bisa lihat di Google yaa..

            5. Kalau sudah bisa masuk ke CWM pilih backup and restore kemudian pilih backup to sdcard atau backup to Internal storage dan tunggu hingga prosesnya selesai

              6. Jika sudah, reboot Android anda dengan memilih reboot system now dan lihat pada SD Card apakah sudah ada file backup tadi, biasanya di SDCard/clockworkmod/backup/ atau bisa juga di External SD (biasanya folder dinamai dengan tanggal melakukan backup). Dan Jangan Pernah sobat Pindahkan folder atau file tersebut dan merubah nama(rename) Folder atau file tsb, biarkan saja pada tempat aslinya.Saran saya salin ke komputer biar aman.


                  • Restore sangatlah mudah, masuk ke CWM lagi, setelah itu pilih Backup and Restore,pilih Restore, dan restore yang ada di folder dengan nama tanggal backup tadi. Tinggal pilih pilih saja gak usah cari kemana-mana.

                      Sangat mudahkan ? :D, Kalo bagi ane sih begitu  . Oke sekian dulu untuk Cara Backup Dan Restore ROM Android Melalui CWM Recovery, Semoga bermanfaat^_^)


                      these 10 places across the world was most travelled in 2016

                      " which places across the world was most travelled in 2016"

                      Top Cities of the world which saw the highest number of international travelers in the year 2016

                      Mastercard has released its Global Destination Cities Index, which provides a ranking of the 132 most visited cities around the world. Measured by the number of international travelers. The study, now in its seventh year shows that Bangkok was globally the most visited "destination this year in 2016 with approximately 22 million visiting the capital of Thailand, ( which comes to around 55,000 international travelers per day) followed by London which ranked no 2 and saw 19.88 million international visitors coming to UK in 2016.

                      Paris ranks no 3 with  18.03 million international visitors coming to France in 2016.
                      Number 4 in the list is Dubai, United Arab Emirates with 15.27 million international visitors coming coming to the emirate kingdom this year.
                      New York ranks no 5, with 12.75 million international visitors in 2016.
                      No 6 is Singapore with 12.11 million international visitors in 2016.
                      No 7 among the most travelled places in 2016  is Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with 12.02 million international visitors.
                      With 11.95 million international travelers coming to Turkey, Istanbul ranks number 8 followed by Tokyo and Seoul ranking 9th and 10th with 11.7 million and 10.2 million visitors travelling to Japan and South Korea in 2016.


                      Wednesday, 28 December 2016

                      audi becomes the first car company to integrate predictive traffic monitoring

                      "audi becomes  the first car company to integrate predictive traffic monitoring "

                      Audi becomes the first auto company to launches first Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) technology as it launches its Traffic Predictive Technology in Las Vegas and nevada

                      In what could profoundly impact the way you drive and in what is the first instance of vehicle-to-infrastructure technology in production cars ,Audi recently became the first automaker to offer Traffic Light Information as a fully integrated feature available on selected new vehicles including Audi A4, Q7, and A4 Allroad models. Other automakers (notably BMW) work with smartphone apps that provide similar information, but Audi’s solution does not depend on a paired phone running an app. It’s native to the car’s driver information system.Light Information, an Audi connect PRIME feature, enables the car to communicate with the infrastructure in select cities and metropolitan areas across the U.S.

                      This is how it works. "The municipality where you’re driving shares its data with Audi, and Audi broadcasts the information to your car, where the data is compared with your car’s GPS data to determine which light you’re approaching. Then the car puts an icon and a counter up on the gauge pod driver information display, and into the head-up display projected onto the driver’s side of the windshield. The information displayed is simple: it shows a picture of a stoplight in its current state, red or green, plus a counter giving the system’s best prediction of when the light is likely to change." 

                      The  new feature, called Traffic Light Information (TLI), will be available in select 2017 Audi A4, Q7 and all-road models that were made after June 1, 2016 and equipped with an Audi connect Prime subscription. This  feature  will be launching in January,2017 beginning with Las Vegas and Nevada.
                      Nevada issued autonomous vehicle licenses for Audi to drive from California to Las Vegas three years ago in 2013  and now Las Vegas becomes the first city to go live with V2I integration. 

                      Audi is said to be working on continued expansion to additional cities across the U.S. is ongoing as we work with municipalities to prepare their infrastructure for V2I connectivity.( vehicle-to-infrastructure technology ) Audi has partnered with Traffic Technology Services (TTS) to facilitate the transfer of traffic light data to Audi vehicles. The car receives real-time signal information from the advanced traffic management system that monitors traffic lights via the on-board 4G LTE data connection.

                      The "time to green" feature might just be the beginning of something that will change the way you drive .Eventually, it may be possible to take information from advanced traffic management systems and integrate them into other functions in the vehicles such as improving a route, stopping and starting the vehicle to save on fuel, and predictive services that can recommend a speed maximize the number of green lights one can make in sequence. 

                      android 4.3 jelly bean rom for motorola atrix 4g

                      Rooting Triumph with Android 2.2.2

                      Veja Nossa Nova Rom Com Ótimo, super rápida, e com suporte a WEBTOP(JA DISPONIVEL SCREENSHOTS) CLIQUE AQUI E VISUALIZE

                       Esta ROM é uma prévia, PORTANTO NÃO É para uso diário. 

                      Todos os procedimentos de instalação são os mesmos que para CM9 e CM10. 
                      fazer um backup do seu firmware atual para que você pode voltar, se quiser. Esta ROM usa o kernel 3.1.10, a partir de Olympus Kernelpacote de 4.2 não é compatível com 4.3. limpar os dados requeridos.