Sunday, 30 November 2014

FTP commands

The use of FTP from ABAP seems to have been a hot topic on the ABAP Forums of late. I thought I might sit down and document whatever I could find on this subject and share it as a weblog.

Over the years I have seen lots of different solutions for moving files on and off of a SAP system. I have seen external FTP scripts written in OS shell languages. I have seen full blown custom applications that are made to interface to the SAP system. However I think you will find that most of the technology you need to perform a simple FTP from ABAP is already contained in the standard system. All of my examples and screen shots will be coming from a 46C system.

SAP's Solution
If you have ever taken a look at the kernel directory of your SAP system, you might have noticed an interesting little executable: sapftp.exe (the name of the file on Windows SAP Kernels). It is this part of the Kernel that exposes FTP functionality to the ABAP Programming language.

So you have a suspicion that there is FTP functionality in ABAP, but you’re not quite sure how to use it. Where do you start? I always turn to the Service Marketplace first. A quick search on SAPFTP reveals there is an entire component (BC-SRV-COM-FTP) on the subject. The most general note and our starting place is OSS Note 93042. This note starts off with a nice description of what SAPFTP is: A client RFC application that is accessed via RFC from ABAP. But we also find out that in addition to SAPFTP being part of the kernel, it is also part of the SAPGui. That means that we can perform FTP commands originating from our R/3 Server or from a Client Workstation.

Well if this solution is accessed via RFC, then we must have to setup some RFC destinations. In fact we have two that we need; SAPFTP for Front-end FTP and SAPFTPA for access on the application server. Luckily we don't even have to mess with setting these RFC destinations up in SM59. SAP has supplied a program, RSFTP005, to generate the destinations for us.

Now before we go off and start written code on our own to hit these FTP functions, why don't we make sure everything is setup and working. Once again SAP has helped us out by providing us with a test program, RSFTP002. (In case you are wondering the FTP functionality and many other test programs are all contained in SAP Development Class SFTP). When we run this test, we get a set input parameters for the server, username password, etc. We want to start out simple and just make sure we are getting a connection. Therefore we will just execute the pwd command (Print Working Directory).

Your answer back should look something like this:

If you are wanting to see a list of FTP commands, try using the command HELP in place of PWD:

If something did go wrong during the test, I suggest that you active the trace option in SM59 for the FTP Destination. You can then use program RSFTP001 to display the current trace file.

Programming the FTP
Not only does the RSFTP002 program give us a test environment, but it also provides us with a programming example. We can see that the FTP functionality is really provided by a set of function modules all within the SFTP Function Group. We have the basic commands such as FTP_CONNECT, FTP_COMMAND, and FTP_DISCONNECT that can be strung together to create a complete file operation action. The FTP_COMMAND Function allows you to issue arbitrary FTP commands as long as the SAPFTP function, the Host, and the Destination server all support the command. Then you have the specialized functions such as FTP_R3_TO_SERVER, FTP_R3_TO_CLIENT, and FTP_CLIENT_TO_R3. This lets you take some data in memory and transfer it someplace else. This has the advantage of not having to write the data to the file system first and not to have to issue any FTP commands. However these functions are also limited to the scope described.

If you are already familiar with FTP in general, working with these function modules should not seem to difficult. The Connect, Command, Disconnect actions would seem somewhat self explanatory. So instead of looking at the entire program in detail let's focus on two things that may be unfamiliar. First the program starts off with an ABAP Kernel System call to AB_RFC_X_SCRAMBLE_STRING. Well we don't want to pass a potentially sensitive password openly. Therefore the FTP_CONNECT function module requires that the password be encrypted before it receives it. It is this System call that performs that one-way encryption. Now I checked a 620 SP42 system and in this example, SAP has replace the AB_RFC_X_SCRAMBLE_STRING with a function call to HTTP_SCRAMBLE. Unfortunately HTTP_SCRAMBLE doesn't even exist in my 46C system. The only other thing that I wanted to point out about these function calls is the exporting parameter on the FTP_CONNECT. It passes back a parameter called handle. This handle then becomes an importing parameter to all subsequent calls: FTP_COMMAND and FTP_CLOSE. This handle is the pointer to the instance of FTP that we started with the FTP_CONNECT. This assures that we get reconnected to the same FTP session with each command we issue.

FTP Development
I thought I would share a few of the things that can be built using this FTP functionality. First off I didn't want a bunch of ABAP programs directly working with the SAP FTP Function modules. As you can see there is already a difference in the examples for encrypting the password between 46C and 620. Therefore I thought it would be best to encapsulate all the FTP function in one custom ABAP OO Class. Not only did I get the opportunity to hid the inner SAP functionality and make it easy to switch out during upgrades, but I also get consistent error handling as well. I accept the User Name, Password, Host, and RFC Destination in during the Constructor of the class. I then store these values away in Protected Attributes. Each function module is then implemented as a Instance Method. The Password encryption functionality is then all tucked away nicely in the class. Also the calling program doesn't have to worry about keeping track of the FTP handle either since it is an instance attribute as well.

Next I got really carried away. I wanted a way to record entire FTP scripts that could be filled with values at runtime and ran as a step in a background job. My company used to have many interfaces that ran frequently sending files all over the place. We needed a mechanism to monitor and support these file moves. This was really the root of this tool, but it also gives you an idea of how powerful these functions can be.

I hope that anyone interested in FTP from ABAP will find this resource useful. If anyone has any other resources that should be included here, feel free to post them.

Cómo activar el Dolby EQ en los ajustes de sonido en el LG Flex

Si cuentas con un LG G Flex rooteado (ver el enlace si todavía no lo has rooteado) y quieres habilitarle el Dolby Digital Plus en los ajustes de sonido del reproductor de música, sigue este sencillo procedimiento.

  • Necesitamos el terminal Rooteado
  • Necesitamos un explorador de archivos con acceso root y editor de texto integrado, puedes utilizar Root Explorer 

  • Vamos a la ruta /system/etc 

  • Buscamos el archivo y lo abrimos

  • Cambiamos el valor a "dolby" según se encuentra en el siguiente ejemplo, tiene que quedar así  <audio effect  data="dolby"  / > 

  • Guardamos los cambios
  • Reiniciamos el equipo
  • Listo


Probado con éxito en  LG G2 Mini *Gracias chad


Saturday, 29 November 2014

El LG G Flex 2 será presentado en el CES 2015

Uno de los equipos mas llamativos de LG sin duda alguna es el G Flex. Aquí le hemos dedicado varias reseñas y modos de personalizarlo, en el caso de que tengas uno!!! Si te agradó este terminal sepa que por ahí viene la segunda generación del mismo.

Este enero se celebra en las Vegas la feria tecnológica de el CES. Y según la fuente LG aprovechará la ocasión para presentarnos el G Flex 2, y al parecer, con un factor de forma más compacto, pantalla FullHD y algo lo más interesante, una pantalla flexible.

Hasta el momento los detalles del Flex 2 son muy escasos, pero al parecer la pantalla del Flex 2 será curva y flexible con la capacidad de presionar y volver a su forma original.

Cómo esperas que sea el G Flex 2?

Todos los créditos son para

How to Learn Computer Programming

How to Learn Computer Programming
Computer programming is one the most exciting fields to work in. Millions of lines of code are written each day, all over the world, bringing in new applications and software. If you are eager to become a programmer and tap the potential which your computer puts at your fingertips, it's time you began thinking about learning programming on your own. If you enjoy thinking analytically and solving puzzles, as well as problems of all sorts, programming is bound to give you a high. The key to learning programming is to master programming languages and learn to apply them to solve complex problems.

The standard way of learning to program is to get admission into a college and get a degree in computer science. However, there are many who can never make it to college, despite having the skills and the talent for analytical thinking. I have written this article for those of you who never went to college but have discovered the beauty of programming and would like to master it on your own. This is possible today as Internet and the open source movement has created a programming culture online, which can guide you in the process. With self discipline and persistence, you can teach yourself programming and enjoy writing your own software. Not only is it a great way to exercise your mind, who knows, you might even make money, by selling your own software one day or find employment with software firms, if you get really good at it.

How to Learn Computer Programming Without a College Degree?

Computer science is a tough field to master, but it can give you the most enjoyable and creative experiences ever. Here are a few guidelines on how to become a computer programmer.

Learn Programming Languages
Firstly, get hold of a desktop or laptop computer, which enables you to read and execute your programs. Programing is all about learning to communicate with your computer hardware to accomplish various computing tasks. Computer only understands machine language, written in 1s and 0s. For us humans, to communicate with computers, programing languages were created, whose code can be converted into machine readable form by compilers. There are a range of programing languages which vary in their applications and power. You will have to learn at least a dozen essential programming languages, which includes C, C++, Java, Perl, Lisp and Python.

To get your computer programing basics right, start learning C or Python at the start. Use online resources and the hundreds of good books on programming to get the basics. Install the compilers that the language requires for writing code and execute it on your computer. Work through examples and problems provided in books and online tutorials, to write your own code. One of the best books to start learning C is 'Programming in C' by Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan. Another good book is Programing in C by Kochan.

Get a hang of C and then graduate over to object oriented programming that is made possible by C++. Then get a hang of Java, Perl and Javascript, which is extensively used in client side programing for web development. Learn HTML and server side scripting if you plan to get into web development. As you can see, there is a lot to learn and it will take at least 5 to 6 years to get well grounded in most languages. Take help from online tutorials and courses offered by institutes like MIT through their OpenCourseWare.

Start Writing Code
The best way to learn is to practice what you have learned. Write your own code, make mistakes, learn how to debug code. Participate in coding competitions and test your programming skills. Get hold of open source software, read the code and understand how good programs are written. Learn how master programmers achieve economy of code and the logical clarity that makes great programs. Get to know your computer and the hardware basics. Learn how the computer works at the basic levels with memory and processors.

Learn to Run Linux or Unix
You cannot call yourself a programmer until you have mastered using Linux and Unix operating systems. Install a Linux distribution like Ubuntu on your computer and tinker around with it. It will provide you with all the programing tools you need, along with compilers.

Apprentice Expert Programmers
Let expert programmers take you under their wing. Find a good mentor who is ahead on the path of becoming a master computer programmer. Take advice and learn from them.

Read Code, Write Code and Keep Improving
Keep writing your own piece of computer code and keep thinking on how you could improve it. Join the open source movement and analyze the anatomy of good programs. Pick up your domain of expertise and go deep. Remember that there is always room for improvement!

Let there be no illusions that programming is an easy task. It will take ten to fifteen years at least for you to attain a level where you can start calling yourself a complete programmer. Your success in programming is directly proportional to the dedication and persistence you put into your learning. As suggested before, master at least a dozen programming languages including C, C++, Java, Lisp, Python, Perl and Javascript, read and understand new code, keep attacking newer computing challenges and grow as a programmer. The aim of this Buzzle article on how to learn computer programing was to give you a nudge in the right direction. I hope that this objective has been attained in some measure. Free your mind and enter the matrix of programming world with gusto!

How to Use iPhone as Modem

n today's fast-paced life, waiting to connect to the Internet even for a minute seems like eternity. Many of you must be traveling due to several work reasons and may require Internet connection at any given point. Let's say you're at the airport, waiting to catch a plane. You have your laptop with you and it's vital that you send certain documents right away. The airport doesn't have proper Wi-Fi or wireless Internet access connectivity but your cell phone does; wouldn't that be the best deal? Wondering how to use iPhone as a modem? Read on to find out.

Use iPhone as Modem for Laptop

Along with other useful iPhone apps, the device can be used as a attached modem for your PC or laptop. Before using iPhone, you need to first enable it via iPhone dock-connector-to-USB cable. If your phone has a 3G connection, you can even make and receive calls on your phone while using it as a dial-up modem. The directions aren't very long or tedious. All it takes is few simple steps and you'll be good to go.

  1. iPhone to USB cable
  2. Data plan
Step #1 ~ First and foremost, make sure that tethering has been enabled on the phone. What this means is, your other devices will be able to receive the Internet connection made available by an Internet-capable cell phone.

Step #2 ~ On your iPhone menu, go to Settings icon. The location of your "Settings" icon will be different as you can change it as per your own requirements. So it could be on the first page of the menu or somewhere else. If you're new to iPhone, this icon looks gray in color and has a cogs design. Click on Settings icon.

Step #3 ~ Now you need to go to the page where all the other subcategories are. So go to General category which will be towards the bottom of the phone's screen. The icon has similar markings as the Settings menu. Click on General and then click on Network subcategory.

Step #4 ~ After the Network icon, click on Internet Tethering option. Slide the option from Off to On. The Off icon is gray in color, and once you slide it to On icon, it will turn blue. This is where you have activated your iPhone to work as a modem.

Step #5 ~ Next, connect your cell phone with the laptop with the iPhone to USB cable. Once you connect the cable, a pop-up window will appear prompting you for approval. Click on iPhone and then select Apply. Your laptop has been connected to the Internet.

Step #6 ~ You have successfully turned your device into a modem. Now you can launch the web browser for quick Internet access. You can easily check the connectivity on the desktop toolbar, located on the bottom-right side of the screen for Windows and top-right side of the screen for Mac.

See, was that difficult? All you have to do is follow few necessary steps and you'll be online in no time. You can also read about how to set up Wi-Fi. In order to maintain Internet connection, you need to make sure that the USB cable is intact. If you turn your phone off, the Internet connection will be disconnected. So, make sure it has enough battery life and stays on at all times. The connectivity needs to be strong so that you can work online without any disturbances.

iPhone Says 'No SIM Card Installed'?

Time and again, Apple's flagship iPhones have come under the radar of the 'gadget police' and have been criticized for their design flaws. The most recent recurrence of this was when it was reported that the recently-released iPhone 6 handsets tend to bend because of intolerance to heat and pressure, that too when they are stored in the owner's pocket! When after spending exorbitant amounts of money on an exquisite mobile phone, that is the object of envy to everyone else, it is literally disappointing when it does not fulfill the basic purpose of utility.

While Apple works on improving upon its phone design, some of the people who own older iPhone 3G, 4, 4S, 5, 5C, and even 5S models are suffering from a common affliction; the "No SIM Card Installed" problem. If you are one of them, you need not despair, because we have the way you can fix it right here.

Detailed Analysis and Solutions

Did your iPhone, one fine morning, randomly declare that you have "No SIM card installed" on your device? You have every reason to be upset; however, by approaching the problem in a systematic, step-by-step manner, you can easily get to the root of the matter.

SIM Card Troubleshooting

Did you recently switch from a different mobile handset to an iPhone? And while doing so, did you yourself convert your SIM card to its smaller-sized counterpart by cutting it yourself? If the answer to any of the above is affirmative, chances are, you may have damaged your SIM card and need to request your carrier for a new one.
Even if you have no direct involvement in your SIM card's possible malfunctioning, it could have been damaged because of reasons like overheating. You could check if your SIM card is still a valid one, by inserting it into a different handset, that supports the same size of SIM card. If it is working there, then the key to this issue lies elsewhere.
You could also try to insert a completely different, compatible, and tested-to-be-working SIM card into the same device, and see if your iPhone recognizes it. If so, then the problem can be consolidated to your particular SIM card.
Maybe your SIM card genuinely has not been inserted correctly. Carefully remove your SIM card from your phone, by using a paper clip to pop out the SIM card tray. Then, reinsert it into the tray, and reboot your phone. If your SIM card has been positioned properly this time, it will be read, and your device will acknowledge it.
Maybe your SIM card is simply clouded with dirt or grime, or there may be fingerprints on the metallic chip, and that may be the reason that your device is unable to recognize it. To solve this problem, isolate it from the device once more, and using rubbing alcohol, clean the side that has the chip. Allow it to dry completely before you re-insert it.

Other Troubleshooting

Your SIM card physically may have nothing to do with the reason behind it not being recognized by your phone. The answer may lie with your device, firmware, or network connectivity.
If you are not able to connect to your network sometimes, your phone may assume that your SIM card is not valid. This happens with phones of all brands. Turn on the Airplane Mode of your phone, and after a few minutes, turn it off again. This will refresh your connectivity. You could also reboot your device entirely.
Check for any available carrier settings update. This can be done by opening Settings General About. If there is any update available, you will get to know it here.
Make sure that the SIM card tray of your iPhone is the one that came with the device when you purchased it from the vendor, and not the one you seated your SIM card on, when you inserted it into the iPhone you used earlier. Different iPhone models have differently manufactured SIM card trays.
Is your firmware up-to-date, or are you using an older version of iOS? Make sure you update your device to the latest version.
If your iPhone was functioning properly a couple of hours ago, and is displaying this suddenly, once you have ruled out the SIM card itself as a cause, but you are unable to pinpoint its actual cause although you are certain it is system-software related, the easiest thing to do is to restore your iPhone to a backed up version in which your SIM card is recognized.

The Last Resort

If none of the above methods result in the "No SIM Card Installed" problem's resolution, you may be facing this problem because of a design flaw that is present in many iPhone devices.
The SIM card tray's ejecting mechanism has a metal face, and sometimes, it comes in direct contact with the metallic part of the inserted SIM card (the chip), causing a short circuit to occur. As a result of this, it will not be possible for the device to recognize your SIM card.
To resolve this, a method employed by many frustrated, yet innovative users is to stick a small piece of Scotch tape (or any kind of tape) on the side of the SIM card tray. This will serve the purpose of isolating the SIM card from the metal part of the mechanism, and allow your device to recognize it, resolving the problem

The problem will most probably be resolved if you follow our step-by-step guide. However, if it still persists, you could contact Apple Support, or take it down to the nearest iStore. If the problem of SIM card failure occurs due to the design flaw, and your iPhone is still under warranty, you could in fact get the device itself replaced.

Evernote v.6.2.1 - Recuérdalo todo [Actualizado]

Evernote es una aplicación gratis y fácil de usar que te ayuda a recordar todo en todos los dispositivos que usas. Mantente organizado, guarda tus ideas y mejora tu productividad. 

Evernote te permite tomar notas, capturar fotos, crear listas de cosas por hacer, grabar recordatorios de voz, y hace que todas estas notas admitan búsquedas, independientemente de si estás en tu casa, en el trabajo o viajando.

Funciones principales:

  • Funciona con Evernote Business: Captura, explora, busca y comparte notas y libretas de Evernote Business desde tu teléfono inteligente o tableta.
  • Sincronizar todas tus notas en todos los ordenadores y dispositivos que usas.
  • Crear notas de texto, listas de cosas por hacer y de tareas. 
  • Guardar, sincronizar y compartir archivos 
  • Buscar texto dentro de imágenes.
  • Organizar notas por libretas y etiquetas.
  • Enviar notas por correo electrónico y guardar tweets en tu cuenta de Evernote.
  • Conectar Evernote con otras aplicaciones y productos que usas.
  • Comparte tus notas con amigos y compañeros por correo electrónico, Facebook, Twitter

Aquí encontrarás algunas formas de utilizar Evernote en tu vida privada y profesional:

  • Búsqueda más inteligente: crea instantáneas de pizarras y libros.
  • Tomar notas de reuniones y clases, crear agendas y notas de investigación.
  • Planear un viaje: mantén un registro de planes de viajes, billetes de avión y pasaportes.
  • Organizar y guardar recetas; luego realizar búsquedas por ingrediente.
  • Crear una lista de supermercado o de tareas y marcar los ítems a medida que los compras.
  • Ver las páginas web guardadas en Evernote en el escritorio.
  • Capturar ideas e inspiración durante los viajes.
  • Acceder a archivos o notas creadas en el teléfono desde el escritorio.
  • Realizar un seguimiento de productos y precios para comparar precios.
  • Mantener organizada la economía del hogar: guardar recibos, facturas y contratos.
  • Reducir el desorden de papeles mediante instantáneas de menús de restaurantes, tarjetas de negocios y etiquetas.
  • Usar Evernote como parte del sistema GTD (sistema de gestión de actividades), para mantenerte organizado.
  • Para aprovechar la experiencia Evernote al máximo, descárgalo en todos los ordenadores y teléfonos que uses.

Evernote está disponible para todos los ordenadores, teléfonos y tabletas.


Correcciones de errores y otras mejoras

Descargalo desde el Play Store > Evernote

Desvargalo aqui como .apk > Evernote v.6.2.1

Friday, 28 November 2014

CHAOS Combat Copters HD #1 v.6.4.1 [Original + Mod]

CAOS Mundial - es su oportunidad de ir a través de la nueva aventura militar en el cielo, pero en un ambiente más riguroso y competitivo. Si usted es un piloto con experiencia - a prueba tus habilidades de combate, luchando en las rígidas reglas de los torneos con los que ya tienen experiencia en el manejo de helicópteros artillados. Si usted es nuevo - probar que usted es una estrella en ascenso, o ... o caen del cielo.

El lema del Torneo CAOS: En el cielo, sólo habrá una!


  • Premios
  • Video de luchar por el análisis y la preparación para el combate disponible
  • 2 tipos de torneos: regular (incluye 3 leguas) y élite (por combatientes experimentados)
  • La integración de los juegos con Game Center y Facebook
  • Realista simulador de helicóptero y el juego, rico en acciones y eventos
  • Altamente detallados modelos de helicópteros de los principales fabricantes, incluyendo los EE.UU., Rusia y Europa (AH-64 "Apache", UH-60 "Halcón Negro", MI-24 "» Hind, Ka-52 "Alligator", RAH-66 "Comanche ") y otras
  • Efectos visuales únicos y sonido
  • Mapas y localizaciones reales de batalla
  • 8 misiones de entrenamiento, usted puede prepararse para el combate aire al pasar a misiones de entrenamiento
  • Capacidad para mejorar el rendimiento y mejorar las armas para su helicóptero
  • Medallas y órdenes para el profesionalismo mostrado en la batalla
  • Estadísticas detalladas logros de combate, que está disponible tanto en el juego y en la página web

Agregar amigos, participar en torneos, mejorar las habilidades de combate entre torneos en misiones de entrenamiento y batallas en línea, y ganar premios y títulos.

El baremo detallado de los torneos se pueden encontrar en el sitio web o en - ver las actualizaciones de la programación.

Descargalo desde el Play Store > CHAOS Combat Copters HD #1

Descargalo como .apk (original) >  CHAOS Combat Copters HD #1 v.6.4.1  (solo .apk)

Descargalo como .apk (mod oro y dinero ilimitado) >  CHAOS Combat Copters HD #1 v.6.4.1 (solo .apk)



  • Instalas el .apk
  • Extraes la carpeta de la DATA
  • Pasas la carpeta "com.skyjet.chaosarenahd" a la ruta Android/obb
  • Listo

Estamos solicitando sus donaciones para continuar adquiriendo equipos, espero puedan entender que ninguna compañía nos apoya y es muy difícil hacerse de todos los equipos para los cual nos preguntan. Puedes hacer la donación en el siguiente enlace

Thursday, 27 November 2014

HenryMP- Una versión Material Design del Reproductor de Música Apollo [Actualizado]

TheXorg miembro de xda ha desarrollado la aplicación HenryMP (Henry Music Player), una versión modificada del reproductor de música Apollo de CyanogenMod, con un toque del nuevo Material Design de Android 5.0.

Aquí se los dejo para que lo disfruten!


stable 4

  • Fusionadas las versiones Backport & Android L
  • Nuevos iconos
  • Soporte Lollipop

Descargalo aquí como .apk  > HenryMP HenryMP4

También lo puedes descargar desde el Play Store > HenryMP


Si tu equipo corre en Android 5.0 descarga esta > Latest Version (Android L)

Si tu equipo corre en versiones anteriores descarga esta > Latest Version (Backport)

También lo puedes descargar desde el Play Store > HenryMP

Más detalles: xda

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

What is Hub?

A hub is a center of activities. In network terminology, it is a device where all connecting mediums come together. It is a medium used to collect signals from the input line(s) and redistribute them in various available wirings around a topology (topologies such as: Arcnet, 10base-T, 10base-F etc). It basically acts as signal splitter, it accepts signal through its input port and passes it to the output ports. Some hubs help in regenerating the weak signals prior to sending them to the intended output lines, whereas some help in synchronizing the data communication (in simple words, the hub not only provides the means of interface within the network, it also provides some additional and useful features). Sometimes, multiple hubs are interconnected in the network. Generally they are used more commonly where star topology is used.

The Need of a Hub
Generally when we build a network using two or more computers, we need a hub. However, it is possible to connect two computers to each other directly without the need of a hub but when we add a third computer in the network, we need a hub to allow proper data communication within the network.

Types of Hubs
There are many types of hubs with various features/specifications, which provide the type of functionality you need in building a network. There are three main types of hubs: Passive, Active and Intelligent hub.

Passive Hubs
As the name suggests, passive hubs are the ones, which do not provide any additional feature except for working just as an interface between the topology. These types do not help in rectifying/enhancing the signals they pass on in the network, in other terms, they do not help in enhancing the performance of the network/LAN. It is very hard to get any help from the passive hubs while troubleshooting in case there is any fault in the hardware or the network. It simply receives signal(s) on input port(s) and broadcasts it (them) on the output port(s) without even rectifying it (them).

Active Hubs
As you must have guessed from the name, active hub takes active participation in data communication within the network/LAN. They come with various features, such as receiving the signal (data) from the input port and storing it for sometime before forwarding it, this feature allows the hub to monitor the data it is forwarding, some hubs come with a feature that helps in transmitting data that has high priority before the data that has lower priority (this feature is very important for some applications and some types of network), some hubs help in synchronizing data communication (by retransmitting the packets, which are not properly received at the receiving computer or by adjusting re-transmission of the data packets to compensate timing), and some active hubs come with a feature that rectifies the data/signal before forwarding it in the network/LAN.

Active hubs also help in troubleshooting at a certain level. If there is a bottleneck within the network/LAN, they can be used to find out the problem to a certain extent. They have some benefits over the use of passive hubs; however, they are more expensive than passive hubs as they provide additional features.

Intelligent Hubs
They add some more features to that provided by the active hubs. It provides all the features of a passive and an active hub; it also provides some features, which help in managing the network resources effectively and efficiently. They help in improving the performance of the network/LAN that you are using. As an active hub helps in finding out where the problem persists, an intelligent hub itself finds out the problem in the network, diagnoses it and tries to rectify it without letting the problem hamper the performance of the network. They provide a feature that helps in determining the exact cause and exact place of the fault, this saves a lot of time and energy which otherwise would have been required for finding out the exact place of fault and identifying the solution for it. Another feature of the intelligent hub is that they can decide which packet goes in which output line, this helps in controlling and minimizing data traffic in the network, which results in improved performance of the network/LAN.

They also help in managing the data communication within the network, it recognizes the slower devices automatically and helps them to transmit the data with their own speed, and during this time, the hub manages the traffic within the network effectively. This feature also improves the performance of the network. It also adopts the changes in the network very easily and it also supports different technologies without the need of changing anything in configuration.

Nowadays, as the technology is progressing exponentially at every second, bigger and complex networks are built and need for hubs with additional features is increasing. The hubs are also being developed to incorporate the new features and help in building high performance, flexible and more manageable networks.

List of FTP Commands

File Transfer Protocol is a wonderful tool. It is essentially a networking protocol, that allows one to easily obtain the files he or she desires, such as media (for example, audio or video files), data (for example, .pdf files that span hundreds of megabytes), or even software. It has a lot of practical uses, which include the fact that it breaks the limitations of email (and all the other file-sharing applications one might use), which does not allow users to send or receive a file bigger than a certain size, at one time, and also, it allows only authorized persons to access your stored files, that too from a remote location. Another way to benefit from using FTP is to yourself access your personal files from a remote location by logging into your own computer with the help of it.

Of course, using FTP, just like any other internet-based service, comes with concerns of reliability, as it is evident that sending large amounts of data over long physical distances over a network would open up opportunities of hacking. However, these issues can be worked around by implementing a few network security measures, such as encrytion of data, or using FTP along with other secure protocols. At the end of the day, the truth is, the beauty and simplicity of transferring your larger files entirely into another computer, that too located elsewhere, without having to use external memory devices, nor to trouble yourself with compressing the file so as to make it compatible with email, just by using FTP, is unsurpassed.

If you are now sold on the idea of using FTP to fulfill all your file-sharing needs, you would also be concerned about whether it is terribly difficult to figure out the nuances of FTP; whether you need to learn it, like a programming language. The answer is, no, it is incredibly simple, all you need to do is to familiarize yourself with the commands so that you can use them as and when they are required. It is even more simple to pick up if you are already familiar with programming on UNIX. Buzzle provides you a complete list of all FTP commands, and what they are used for, so that irrespective of whether your system runs Windows, Linux, UNIX, or any other OS, you can easily make use of this handy method for transferring your files. For beginners, we have also formulated a guide to log in to the remote server. Click on this link if you are just looking for a comprehensive list of FTP commands.

Getting Started: Logging into the Remote Computer

☛ Before beginning an FTP session, one needs to obtain basic information about the server host (to be read, from now on, as the remote computer of which you wish to access files) such as its domain name (if available) or at least its network address.

☛ Your own computer needs to be equipped with a suitable FTP client. This is important, especially if the computer you wish to connect to is running a different operating system. You will be typing in commands in the FTP client. Different FTP client software are available for download (mostly they are free and open-source, but some are also chargeable), for example Filezilla, and generally, each has a UI-integrated login page, where one needs to enter server information.

☛ One can also connect to the FTP server by starting a session over one's browser. For this, you need to know the FTP address of the server. An FTP address has the following syntax:
username and password → It may be optional to enter a username, and/or a password depending on the configuration of the FTP server. If it is not needed, the part of the address up till the '@' can be eliminated in the FTP address.
serverhostname → Either the server's hostname or its IP (network) address is mandatory.
21 → This value is the default TCP port number assigned to the FTP protocol. If you are using a different port number (in the event that you are using a different flavor of FTP), then you need to replace this value with the respective port number. In any case, mentioning the port number is preferred so that your computer explicitly knows what port number to use, although mostly, people choose to eliminate this parameter.

☛ In the event that you do not have an FTP client software installed, the terminal (or the command prompt) can be used as your FTP client. Open the respective utility in your operating system.

✐ In Windows, one can open the MS DOS command prompt by opening the Start Menu, and typing "cmd" in the Search Box, followed by the Enter ↵ key.
✐ If you are using a Mac computer, you can find the Terminal inside the Utilities folder in the Applications menu.
✐ In Linux-based OS computers, one can open the Terminal by pressing the Ctrl, Alt, and T keys.

Now, in the terminal (or prompt) type the following

Where refers to either the domain name of your server, or its IP address.

After this step, your client will prompt you for the username and/or password, if the server requires it. One can log in to the FTP server in the anonymous mode too, wherein although files can be downloaded from it, one can neither make changes in the directory structure, nor modify any files. If your server supports anonymous login, it will specify this before asking you for a username and password. If you wish to log in as an anonymous client, you need to enter your username as "anonymous", and simply press the Enter ↵ key when you are asked for the password.

Connected to
220 You are allowed to login as an anonymous user.
User >: username
331 Password required for
230 User logged in.
Where, username needs to be replaced by your actual username, or "anonymous".

☛ Now that you have successfully logged into the desired FTP server, you can now use any of the FTP commands to browse or navigate through and return from the directories (or folders) available on the server, as well as download and upload files.

Moto X - The Maker - El nuevo comercial del Moto X nos muestra que la personalización puede ser divertida

El Moto Maker es una maravillosa manera de personalizar el Moto X a nuestro gusto. 

En el día de hoy Motorola a publicado un nuevo vídeo en el portal YouTube en el cual nos destaca el hecho de que usted puede elegir entre varias opciones para personalizar la parte trasera del equipo, colores y acentos, junto con un grabado a tu gusto en la parte posterior


Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Cómo rootear el Nexus 6

Luego de adquirir un nuevo equipo de las primeras cosas que le hacemos es rootearlo y en esta ocasión Chainfire, conocido desarrollador en Android, nos da la oportunidad de rootear el Nexus 6 utilizando autoroot.

Aqui les dejo un vídeo hecho por wwjoshdew en el cual nos explica los pasos a seguir

Cómo desbloquear el bootloader del Nexus 6

Si ya tienes la suerte de tener un Nexus 6  y quieres desbloquear el bootloader, para poder instalar un Custom Recovery o hasta una Custom Rom, aquí te dejamos un vídeo explicativo de como conseguirlo.

El vídeo es wwjoshdew el cual tiene un canal de YouTube con varios tutoriales.

Espero que disfruten de su Nexus 6 con el bootloader desbloqueado!

Install PS4 updates via a USB flash drive

 two methods for installing the update: directly onto an Internet-connected PlayStation 4 or with a USB flash drive. The latter can be utilized for those who don't have an Internet connection readily available.
Here's how to do it:

Step one:

  Insert a USB drive with at least 1GB of free space into your computer.

Step two:

Create a folder on the drive titled "PS4" -- no spaces.
Step three:

 Inside of the PS4 folder, create a folder named "UPDATE" in all caps.
Step four:

  Download the update from Sony's website and save it in the UPDATE folder on your USB drive. The latest update is version 1.50.

Step five:

If the power indicator on the PlayStation 4 is orange, hold the power button until the system beeps (approximately 7 seconds). Once the system is turned off, connect the USB drive.
Step six:
 Boot the PlayStation 4 in safe mode by holding the power button for 7 seconds.
Step seven:

Plug the controller in, hit the PlayStation button, and select the "Update System Software" option. After a few minutes and a couple of restarts, your PlayStation 4 should be up to date.
Step eight:

To ensure the update was properly installed, enter Settings, click on System Settings, and select System Information.

WeLine, Connect PC - Conecta tu Android al PC sin problemas

Exquisito, sencillo y divertido, WeLine es una herramienta para conectar el teléfono al PC de forma inalámbrica y sin problemas de una manera única. Sin necesidad de cables, sin necesidad de instalar nada más que un navegador en su PC.


  • Una manera sencilla de conectar el teléfono a la computadora mediante el escaneo de código QR. Sin cables!
  • No hay necesidad de que su teléfono y el ordenador bajo misma WLAN, siempre y cuando ambos están en línea con acceso a internet.
  • Compatible entre el teléfono Android y su PC o MAC
  • acceso y administración de los recursos del teléfono, incluyendo fotos, música, vídeos, documentos, aplicaciones, contactos, mensajes, registros de llamadas, archivos y carpetas.
  • Soporta gestión de los teléfonos de la tarjeta SD de su ordenador.
  • Dos de transferencia de archivos de camino entre teléfono y la computadora con alta velocidad de transferencia en el modo de enlace directo.
  • Soporta servicio de notificación de escritorio, contestando llamadas telefónicas, recibir y enviar mensajes de texto desde su ordenador.
  • Juega la música en su teléfono en su ordenador.
  • Cast imágenes, vídeos y documentos desde el teléfono a la computadora y es compatible con visualización de vídeo a pantalla completa.
  • Soporta teléfono elenco pantalla en el PC para teléfonos arraigados.

Idiomas Disponibles
Actualmente disponible sólo en Inglés.

Descargalo desde el Play Store > WeLine, Connect PC

Descargalo como .apk  > WeLine, Connect PC v.0.9.6

LiquidSmooth ROM v.4.0 para el LG G2 [Android 5.0 Lollipop]

La ROM LiquidSmooth es una muy conocida entre los fiebrus de las Custom ROM's y en esta ocasión nos brindan la LiquidSmooth v.4.0 para el LG G2, basada en la última actualización de Android, Lollipop.

LiquidSmooth es una ROM basada en AOSP y SlimROM, dedicada a proveer a los usuarios una ROM, rápida y estable.  Una ROM AOSP ligera a la cual puedes modificar a tu antojo.

Si tienes un LG G2 y quieres darle una probadita pasa por el enlace de xda 

Monday, 24 November 2014

How to Detect and Remove Spyware from Your iPhone

How to Detect and Remove Spyware from Your iPhone
This article is for all those people whose iPhone is being accessed by their jealous or possessive significant other, or by a friend, boss, or relative who has always been nosy into their private affairs. There is a great possibility of your iPhones being jailbroken, in order to use it to spy on you.

Installing spyware on an iPhone can provide access to the victim's text messages, call logs, e-mails, banking passwords, and even the current location can be traced with a spyware.

Technology has improved and upgraded to such an extent that these days, people don't even know by whom are they being watched. Did you know that people who secretively install spyware software on the phone, are in most cases, the ones whom the victim trusted the most and least expected to spy on his or her private life? The fact that iPhone does not have any software, which can detect such spyware, is all the more threatening.

But hey, relax! Here we will not only tell you how to understand if your iPhone is being used to spy on you, but also methods for removing spyware from your iPhone. The most important aspect while detecting spyware on an iPhone is to recall if the iPhone had physical access by a second person. Spyware can be installed by a person with an average knowledge about jailbreaking. This procedure does not take more than 5 minutes.

Signs that Your iPhone has a Spyware Installed

☞ Watch out for unexplained heating up of the iPhone even when not in use and poor battery backup in spite of frequent charging of the phone. The reason for poor battery levels is that a lot of data has to be monitored by the spyware and sent to the installer's phone. This recedes the battery life.

☞ Check if your display screen shows a data transfer icon even when the data transfer is ticked 'off' and the Internet is not in use. If it does, the possibility of the spyware being installed shoots up all the more.

☞ Freezing of the iPhone, sudden shutdowns, slow restarts, excessive usage of Internet data, and huge bills for texts and calls, which don't match the rate of utility of the iPhone, is another shout out from your phone, indicating that something's wrong.

☞ Look for signs of jailbreak and search for the Cydia App (software which allows the jailbroken iPhone to install apps) icon on your home screen. If this app doesn't show on the home screen, then search for it in "applications." Nevertheless, if you yourself have jailbroken your phone in the past, then this pointer for detecting spyware should be avoided.

Show the Spyware its Way Out

☞ They say, prevention is better than cure. So, always keep your iPhone password protected. From your display screen to all the other applications, make sure that you keep everything protected with a password. And if possible, try keeping your phone to yourself and don't let it out to people, unless there is an emergency.

☞ Delete applications and programs that are not installed by you. But updating or clearing data will not solve the entire problem. Sync your data, for example, your contacts, and photos (not your applications) with iTunes. Now, with the help of iTunes, restore your data. This way, all your data and purchased applications will be restored. The reason for not syncing your applications with iTunes is that, doing so will take a backup of the spyware as well.

☞ Avoid jailbreaking your iPhone. iPhones that are jailbroken are more susceptible to spyware. Always have an antivirus installed in your iPhone.

☞ To conclude on the pointers of removal of spyware from an iPhone, remember that a simple update of the iOS will paralyze the spyware, rendering it useless.

So the next time you feel that you are being spied on, you definitely know how to ward off the trouble. Removing spyware from an iPhone is easy, but we suggest that always secure your phone with tricky passwords and stay away from your possessive exes
Read more at Buzzle:

Difference between SAS and SATA hard drives

Difference between SAS and SATA hard drives

Both SATA and SAS use only 7 wires for data, compared to the older generation Parallel-ATA, which uses 40. This greatly reduces the amount of crosstalk generated due to electromagnetic interference between the conducting wires, simplifying the circuit design.
In today's world, it is all about 'big data'. The new-age trend is to take all the hard (real world) entities and make it into soft (digital world) entities. With more and more information being dumped in the digital world these days, its storage has become an issue. And, it's not just at the enterprise level. Home users too are demanding larger and better storage options for the increasing size of their personal data.

Thankfully, technology has managed to keep pace with this growing demand, and there are plenty of options out there for every conceivable purpose. SATA and SAS are the two main technologies that have been the key players in the hard disk drive market. Each of these technologies has both, advantages as well as drawbacks. But which one is right for your particular application? Let's find out.


SATA is the abbreviation of Serial Advanced Technology Attachment. This technology was introduced in 2001. As the name suggests, it employs serial signaling technology, unlike the older generation PATA (Paralled-ATA) technology.

The use of serial technology brought with it two major benefits. One being that, SATA cables are thinner, requiring lesser number of wires. Also, their connectors are smaller. The second is that, SATA cables can be made much longer, without becoming too pricey. SATA cables are used to interconnect the various peripherals inside a computer. Hard disk drives incorporating SATA technology are usually internally connected via cables to the motherboard. However, since 2004, modern computers usually have an external eSATA port for plugging an external SATA HDD.

SAS stands for Serial Attached SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface). It was introduced at around the same time as SATA, and it too was intended to act as a replacement for PATA.

Like SATA, SAS too utilizes serial technology, making their cables and connectors lee bulky when compared to the previous generation parallel technologies. Also, their cables too can be cost-effectively made longer.

Mode of Communication

Communication can be either simplex, half duplex, or full duplex. Simplex communication is uni-directional, which means that one can only talk, while the other can only listen. In half duplex, both communicating parties can either talk or listen, but not at the same time. Finally, in full duplex, both can talk as well as listen simultaneously.

SATA is half duplex, meaning, it can either read data from a peripheral or write data at a time. SAS, however, is full duplex, allowing it to do both, reading and writing simultaneously. Thus, SAS drives have better performance as compared to SATA drives.

Cable lengths

Longer cables have higher impedances. Thus, smaller voltage signals get highly attenuated when transmitted over longer distances.

SAS technology uses higher voltage levels for signaling, as compared to SATA. This allows their data integrity to be maintained over larger distances. Typically, SAS cables can be 10 meters long, while SATA cables are limited to 1 - 2 meters.


SAS and SATA connectors are almost similar, with each having the same number of pins. Both include power and data connections. However, while in SAS, the data and power sections are both included in a single connector, SATA requires two separate connectors for each.

In SAS HDD, the connector has a small gap separating the power and data sections. This allows either a SAS or SATA connection. However, you will find that this gap is not present in the SATA HDD. This prevents the connection of a SAS connector. Thus, SATA is incompatible with SAS, but SAS is compatible with SATA.

Revolutions Per Minute

Computer HDDs are rotating devices. Their revolutions per minute (rpm) determines the access time of the data on the drive. The more the rpm, the faster the data access, and lower is the required time.

Typically, SAS drives have a much higher rotational speed as compared to equivalent SATA drives. While a standard SATA does 7,200 rpm, SAS drives can go as high as 15,000 rpm, making them significantly faster in terms of data input-output.

Storage Capacities

For the same amount of money, SATA drives will give you much more storage than SAS drives. While the commonly available SAS drives in the market can give you a maximum of 900 GB of storage space, SATA drives can offer up to 3TB, making them 3 - 4 times denser in comparison.


The reliability of a hard drive is measured in terms of MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure). The more the MTBF ODF a drive has, the more reliably it will perform.

The MTBF of a typical SAS drive is 1.6 million hours, while that of SATA is 1.2 million hours. Needless to say, SAS drives are much more reliable.

Typical Applications and Cost

SAS drives have better reliability and faster access time, and are used in servers. SATA drives are generally geared towards the consumer market, where performance can be compromised for lowering the cost. SAS drives are much costlier as compared to the SATA drives of the same capacity.

Thus, SATA and SAS technologies have different capabilities and are designed for distinct clientèle. For advanced servers, it is advisable to go in for the SAS drives. But for typical home use, and even for basic servers, the cheaper SATA should suffice

ONE+ Launcher v.2.6.20141124

ONE+ Launcher es una herramienta fácil de usar, de bajo coste, lanzador de peso ligero para Android, y viene precargado con una calidad mejor que la Retina-listas (Gratis) fondos de pantalla de alta definición. 

A diferencia de otros lanzadores (GO, NEXT, NOVA, APEX, SOLO, inteligente, etc) que se cargan con una gran cantidad de un atractivo visual dulces y apenas rasgos de uso, creemos simple es hermoso. 

Nuestro Lanzador No hog sus preciosos recursos de memoria, ni tampoco utilizamos tus ciclos de CPU. Simplemente le damos un altamente optimizado, mejor que el original Android sustitución pantalla de inicio con una interfaz limpia y pulida. ¿He mencionado que es libre de anuncios. :-)

También tenemos planes de lanzar nuestra tienda el tema en nuestra próxima versión, que le da acceso a fondos de pantalla de alta definición y más de 500.000 de calidad, más de 1000 iconos de tema y 100+ 2D / 3D visualmente impresionante pantalla en vivo. Todo GRATIS.
Lea a continuación lo que algunos de nuestros usuarios beta primeros tienen que decir acerca de ONE + Launcher.

Características principales 

  • simple ligero @ solo 6MB, en tamaño.
  • sustitución pantalla de inicio limpio y un-desordenada.
  • pantalla de inicio personalizable con mucha Opciones temáticos
  • reproductores inteligentes: El reloj de escritorio y calendario iconos, muestran dinámicamente la fecha y la hora actual con animaciones y efectos elegantes!
  •  mantecoso pantalla lisa efectos de transición. No se queda incluso en los dispositivos Android de mayor edad. Lotes A efectos de transición de pantalla por ejemplo Rotar, Bulldoze, Windmill, Cubo, Escala, Flip, Fade, etc Más que se añadirán en nuestras actualizaciones semanales.
  • Manualmente cosechadas GRATIS fondos de pantalla de alta definición Retina-listos calidad precargados para su personalización.
  • Recibe notificaciones en tiempo real y los muestra en la pantalla de bloqueo. Usted consigue una rápida mirada a sus actividades diarias. Simple, sin complicaciones.
  • La gestión eficiente de la batería.
  • Opciones de tema flexibles, 3 ª parte Launcher Temas soportan muy pronto!
  • Efectos - Girar, arrasar, molino de viento, Cube, Escala, flip, flip-Cross, serpiente, etc Escritorio modo de escena: nieve, lluvia, burbujas, estrellas, etc Effect Edit: Tingle, Breathe, centelleo;
  • Más características en el camino! Actualización semanal!

Preguntas más frecuentes

Cómo establecer ONE + LANZADOR como lanzador por defecto?
Vaya a "Preferencias", active "Set Default Launcher".

Cómo activar ONE + LANZADOR Bloqueo de la pantalla?
Vaya a "Preferencias", active "Iniciar LockScreen".

¿Dónde conseguir más temas y fondos de escritorio de retina?
Nuestro nuevo "Theme Shop", con más de 500.000 fondos de pantalla de alta definición, temas de iconos y fondos de pantalla en vivo estarán disponibles en la próxima versión importante.

Cómo desinstalar ONE + LANZADOR?
Ir a la configuración del sistema del teléfono, elija la función de aplicación de desinstalación. La mayoría de los teléfonos vienen con esta función de desinstalación, o, alternativamente, usted podría utilizar ningún tipo de seguridad de 3 ª parte o limpiador de aplicación por ejemplo, Clean Master.

1.Fixed el lanzador cargado algún icono extra de "borrar la memoria"
2.Fixed un error fatal

Descargalo desde el Play Store > ONE+ Launcher

Descargalo aquí >  ONE+ Launcher v.2.6.20141124

Estamos solicitando sus donaciones para continuar adquiriendo equipos, espero puedan entender que ninguna compañía nos apoya y es muy difícil hacerse de todos los equipos para los cual nos preguntan. Puedes hacer la donación en el siguiente enlace

Lucid - Icon Pack v.2.0.0

Paquete de iconos Lucid amenizará su teléfono con estos iconos vectoriales "custom made". Todos los iconos dentro del icon pack son brillantes y vibrantes con una larga sombra que trae los iconos conjunto como un todo.


  • 1600 + iconos vectoriales basados 
  • 12 HD fondos de pantalla de nubes
  • Posibilidad de solicitar iconos desaparecidos
  • XXHDPI (144x144) Tamaño de icono
  • iconos del sistema Alternos para la personalización mejorada
  • Etiquetado icono del visor
  • Aplicar Lucid - Icon paquete dentro de la aplicación 
  • Actualizaciones periódicas

Launchers soportados:


  • Action 
  • ADW
  • Apex
  • Aviate
  • Epic
  • Galaxy
  • Go
  • Holo
  • Holo HD
  • Inspire
  • Kcin
  • KK
  • Launchy
  • Lucid
  • Mini
  • Next
  • Nova
  • Nine
  • Smart 
  • Solo

Descargalo desde el Play Store > Lucid - Icon Pack

Descargalo aquí > Lucid - Icon Pack v.2.0.0

POR FAVOR COLABORA! Estamos solicitando sus donaciones para continuar adquiriendo equipos, espero puedan entender que ninguna compañía nos apoya y es muy difícil hacerse de todos los equipos para los cual nos preguntan. Puedes hacer la donación en el siguiente enlace